Suggestions de voyage

Reviews guidelines

Share your agriturismo experience with everyone: leave a review!

Your opinion about our agriturismos is important to us. Follow these simple instructions to share your agriturismo experience with all users: leave a review!

Given their importance, it is essential that reviews are true: you assume responsibility for what you write, and we reserve the right to carry out the necessary checks to ensure your review is reliable.

For this reason, we monitor reviews daily and they are only published if they comply with our guidelines.

As they are subject to a review on our part, reviews are not visible immediately: it may take several days before a review is displayed online.


  • No insults: no offensive reviews containing insults aimed at the agriturismo, its owners or other users will be published. For this reason, if making a negative review, please use measured, civil tones.
  • Back up what you write: the purpose of the reviews is to share your agriturismo experience with others in a clear, reasoned manner. Any reviews considered overcritical or which are not backed up, be they positive or negative, will be removed. Reviews such as “lovely stay” or “terrible agriturismo” fall into this category.
  • Use a valid e-mail address: reviews posted by inexistent e-mail addresses will not be published. For unverified e-mail addresses, we make a check: if we do not get a response, we reserve the right to delete the review.
  • One review per agriturismo: it is forbidden to make more than one review per agriturismo, unless the reviews refer to stays that took place at least a year apart.
  • One review per stay: multiple reviews (even by groups of several people) referring to the same stay and/or in conjunction with the same event (such as birthday parties, weddings, etc.) are not allowed.
  • Review within one calendar year of the date of your stay. A review is only considered reliable if made in a reasonable time frame.
  • Do not judge others’ reviews: reviews are the result of personal judgement, and are final. De gustibus non disputandum est.
  • Do not reply to the owner: if the owner responds to your review, it is not possible to make a counter-reply. This is to prevent the reviews page from turning into a discussion forum: if you want further clarification, please contact the owner in private.
  • No advertising: any offence to this effect will be reported to the appropriate body.
  • Agriturismos cannot post reviews: we supervise the reviews to prevent any attempt at self-promotion or fraudulent reviews between agriturismos. If you have suspicions in this regard, let us know.
Chargement en cours
Agritourisme ajouté aux favoris
Agritourisme éliminé des favoris